The IPE Core Session
The Lebanese American University Interprofessional Education (LAU IPE) core sessions consist of three, 2-hour mandatory, extracurricular and longitudinal workshops offered throughout the curriculum of health and social care students (i.e. pharmacy, medicine, nursing, nutrition and social work). The series is equivalent to 15 contact hours, and delivered over two or three years, depending on the profession. Students from different professions are grouped together by program level based on their amount of clinical experience and familiarity with interdisciplinary practice. Core 1 includes students who have not yet had any clinical learning experience regardless of their class year. Core 2 and 3 includes students who are enrolled in clinical experience. All core sessions follow the same model: students will have to prepare for each session by watching prerecorded videos. The sessions will then be given online by a facilitator (around 30 per group). The students will then be subdivided in small mixed groups and given a case to solve using the tools given in the videos. This design has been chosen to increase the interaction in between students from different schools and trigger communication and problem solving.
- IPE Core 1: Introduction and communication tools
- IPE Core 2: Teamwork and conflict management
- IPE Core 3: Ethics in an interprofessional approach