Interprofessional Education - IPE

About IPE

What is Interprofessional Education?

Inter-professional education “occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other” (WHO, 2010)  to develop cohesive practices that improve health care and social well-being.

What is Intra-professional Education?

Intra-professional education occurs when members of the same profession learn about, from and with each other to develop cohesive practices that improve medicine, nursing, nutrition and pharmacy care.

Inter-professional and intra-professional go hand in hand to optimize patient care and build collaborative practice to improve the healthcare of society.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates of LAU’s health and nutrition care programs should be able to:

  1. Recognize their own and other professionals’ expertise, roles, responsibilities and competence,
  2. Use effective communication techniques with other professionals to effect change and resolve conflict when providing patient/client care,
  3. Develop intraprofessional and interprofessional collaboration in health and social care settings,
  4. Make decisions with other professionals and the patient/client when planning and implementing health and social care,
  5. Develop intra-professional and inter-professional case conferences, team meetings, and quality improvement activities,
  6. Demonstrate evidence-based interdisciplinary approaches to provide a safe environment for patients/clients and achieve good patient/client outcomes, and
  7. Resolve ethical issues that arise in health and social care settings.