Featured Speakers
Freida Chavez RN, MHSc, DNP, FAAN
Associate Professor at Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto and Initiator of IPE in Canada
Mary Dolansky, PhD, RN, FMN
Associate Professor at Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Director of the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Institute, Director of the lnterprofessional Integration and Education Center of Excellence in Primary Care, Senior Fellow in the Veterans Administration Quality Scholars Program, Louis stokes, Cleveland, VA
Nancy Hoffart, PhD, RN
Forsyth Medical Center Distinguished Professor, School of Nursing, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Former Dean of the School of Nursing and Founder of IPE at LAU
Linda Jaber, PharmD
Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Wayne State University, MI
Anne Lippert, MD, CHPE, FERG
Head of Unit at the Copenhagen Academy of Medical Education and Simulation (GAMES)